Force Protection Questions and Answers — I Hate CBT's (2024)

This article provides all the questions and answers for Force Protection.

What is the term used to define defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts


What does ATACSUM stand for

-Antiterrorist Alert Center Summary

What is the geographical area associated with a combatant command within which a combatant commander has authority to plan and conduct operations


Who is the point of contact directly responsible to the CO for all matters dealing with AT and FP


Within their jurisdictions, who enforces port safety, security, and marine environmental protection regulations

-Captain of the Port

What are offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism


What are measures taken to anticipate, prevent, resolve, and contain a terrorist threat

-Crisis Management

A person held as a pledge that certain terms or agreements will be kept is known as a


What is the term for a nation that receives the forces of Allied nations to be located on, operate in, and transit through its territory

-Host nation

A device paced or fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or incendiary chemicals designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract is known as an


What is a designated point close to an incident where crisis management forces will rendezvous and establish control capability before initiating a tactical reaction

-Incident Control Point

What is the term for the first unit, usually military police, on the scene of a terrorist incident

-Initial Response Force

A member of a political party who rebels against established leadership is known as an


What is consequence management

-Interagency services and emergency response force actions essential to mitigate and recover from damage, loss, hardship, or suffering

Awareness training which is provided to all DoD personnel accessions during initial training

-Level 1 AT training

What level of AT training is designed to provide training for personnel who are designated to serve as AT advisors to the commander and provided level I instruction for coded billets

-Level 2 AT training

What is the term for operations that encompass the use of military capabilities across the range of military operations short of war

-Military Operations other than War

Who initiates a BLUE DART message

-Navy Antiterrorist Alert Center

What is meant by the term deterrence

-Prevention form action by fear of the consequences

What are random, multiple security measures that when activated serve to disguise the actual security procedures in effect and deny the terrorist surveillance team an opportunity to predict security actions

-Random Antiterrorism Measures

The identification and assessments of hazards are known as

-Risk Assessment

What term is given to the process by which decision makers reduce or offset risk

-Risk Management

What type of agreement defines the legal position of a visiting military force deployed in the territory of a friendly state


In a deplyed environment, you must REACT. What does the “C” in React represent?

What is SROE

-Standing Rules of Engagement

The continual process of compiling and examining all available information concerning the potential terrorist activities by terrorist groups is called

-Threat assessment

What is an intelligence threat assessment of the level of terrorist threat faced by US personnel and interests in a foreign country

-Threat Level

What is a BLUE DART Message

-A time sensitive terrorist incident notification message

Terrorism is the spontaneous use of violence; it does not include threats of violence to cause fear.

TSgt Brown is assigned overseas and is planning a vacation to a nearby country. She remembers from her Force Protection training that there are eight factors she should consider to understand terrorist threats. From the following list, choose THREE terrorist threat factors that TSgt Brown should consider before going on her vacation.
(Are there any terrorist groups in the area?)
(Will the local population warn Americans?)
(Is the reported terrorist group predictable?)

What are the terrorism threat levels regional and local US commanders assign for specific personnel, family members, units, and installations? Select ALL that apply.

What FPCON level applies when specific information is received about an increased, more predictable terrorist threat regarding an unknown installation and requiring steps be taken to deter terrorist planning that may affect daily operations?

How do terrorists select their targets? Select ALL that apply.
(Vulnerable groups)
(Perception of importance)

SrA Rios is planning to take a train from Germany to Italy for vacation. What antiterrorism practices should he adhere to in an effort to reduce his chances of being singled out for an attack? Select ALL that apply.
(Report any suspicious activity.)
(Keep his compartment door locked at all times.)
(Have a plan to move from one secure location to another.)

What can you do as part of your daily activities to defend against terrorism? Select ALL that apply.
(Plan ahead and choose safe options.)
(Control access and maintain security.)
(Be anonymous by blending in with your surroundings.)
(Be unpredictable with your routines, routes, and times.)
(Be aware of your surroundings by looking for suspicious persons/activities.)

TSgt Holland suspects she may have been exposed to a biological agent, what steps should she take? Select ALL that apply.
(Cover her mouth and nose.)
(Get away in a hurry and warn others.)
(Seek medical attention.)
(Use soap and water to wash areas suspected of exposure.)

Ture or False: Active shooter is one or more subjects who participate in a shooting, random or systematic, with the intent to continuously harm others.


Which scenario is an example of an active shooter?
(A disgruntled NCO, who is fed up with the promotion system, walks through his work center discharging an automatic weapon trying to kill everyone in sight.)

True or False: In most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

True or False: There are NEVER any early indicators of a possible active shooter.

What response is appropriate when members learn there is an active shooter in the area?
(Consider potential escape routes)

Scenario. Maria just heard gunshots in her office building. She knows the shooter is nearby but she cannot see him/her. The stairway to the first floor is a long distance from her office. What is Maria's safest response?
(Lock and barricade office door, be prepared to fight)

True or False: When emergency personnel arrive at an active shooter scene, it is only okay to stop and speak to them if you need directions to safety.

True or False: When fist responders approach an active shooter scene, shout out to them so they know your barricade location and wave them over to you.


When fist responders arrive at an active shooter scene, you have a responsibility to support their efforts. How can you support the first responders? Select ALL that apply.

Remain calm and follow instructions.

Avoid pointing, yelling, and screaming

True or False: An active shooter's physical description is not relevant when providing information to first responders; instead, only provide the shooter's location, number of weapons, and types of weapons.

Early recognition of a threat can prevent an active shooter incident. Which of the following situations may be pre-attack indicators? Select ALL that apply.

Agression toward coworkers

Repeated violations of policies

Presence of unauthorized weapons

Anit-American statements

In a deployed environment, you must REACT. What does the "R" in REACT represent?
(Respond to the situation)

How can deployed personnel prepare for an active shooter situation? Select ALL that apply.
(Understand the rules of engagement)
(Mentally rehearse actions and responses)
(Be mentally prepared to use his or her weapon)
(Know how to put your weapon into action from a duty configuration)

What form of information collection strengthens strategic and tactical positions by knowing what an adversary is doing or plans to do?

Mr. Foley, a civil service worker on Joint Base Andrews, has access to classified material. He uses this information to periodically degrade AF operations since he no longer believes current military tactics are right. Which term best describes Mr. Foley?
(Insider threat)

What manipulation technique is used when an FIE operative develops a sexual relationship with an insider to draw in the target?
(Honey pot)

What manipulation technique should be reported when an FIE threatens to disclose his/her relationship with an insider?

  • Blackmail

Which situations should be reported? Select ALL that apply.
(Contact with foreign diplomatic offices for other than official duties)
(Unauthorized attempts to bypass automated information system security devices)

Every DoD employee has the responsibility to report potential hostile intelligence activities.

True or False: Three anonymous methods to report tips to AFOSI 24/7 are via text message, web, or mobile app.

What hostile intelligence collection method is the process of obtaining military, political, commercial, or secret information byu spies, secret agents, or illegal monitoring devices?

  • Espionage

True or False: Terrorism is the spontaneous use of violence; it does not include threats of violence to cause fear


Scenario. TSgt Brown is assigned overseas and is planning a vacation to a nearby country. She remembers from her Force Protection training that there are eight factors she should consider to understand terrorist threats. From the following list, choose THREE terrorist threat factors that TSgt Brown should consider before going on her vacation.

Are there any terrorist groups in the area?
Will the local population warn Americans?
Is the reported terrorist group predictable?

What are the terrorism threat levels regional and local US commanders assign for specific personnel, family members, units, and installations? Select ALL that apply.


Choose the force protection condition (FPCON) level that applies when evidence of terrorist attack planning may exist, requiring strong protective measures while the installation continues its regular mission activities.


Which statements about terrorists target selection are true? Select ALL that apply.

all of the above

SSgt Kiernan will be staying at a hotel in downtown San Francisco to enjoy her last two days in the US before departing for her overseas tour. What antiterrorism measures should she take, if any, while staying in a city she has only dreamt about? Select ALL that apply.

Avoid any public disturbances and political demonstrations.
Walk around and inspect her rental car for tampering prior to entering it - every time.
Do not accept an unexpected parcel delivered to her hotel room - have delivery person take it to the front desk staff.

SrA Rios is planning to take a train from Germany to Italy for vacation. What antiterrorism practices should he adhere to in an effort to reduce his chances of being singled out for an attack? Select ALL that apply.

Report any suspicious activity.
Keep his compartment door locked at all times.
Have a plan to move from one secure location to another.

TSgt Holland suspects she may have been exposed to a biological agent, what steps should she take? Select ALL that apply.


Which scenario is an example of an active shooter?

A disgruntled NCO, who is fed up with the promotion system, walks through his work center discharging an automatic weapon trying to kill everyone in sight.

True or False: An active shooter is one or more subjects who participate in a shooting, random or systematic, with the intent to continuously harm others.


True or False: Early recognition of a threat can help prevent an active shooter incident.


True or False: If directly confronted by an active shooter, counter the threat by fighting. Use any tactic necessary to survive and incapacitate the shooter.


True or False: When emergency personnel arrive at an active shooter scene, it is only okay to stop and speak to them if you need directions to safety.


True or False: You should report any hostile intelligence threats, incidents, or indicators to AFOSI immediately.


True or False: When communicating with first responder personnel regarding an active shooter incident, it is important to provide the number of shooters and potential victims.


In a deployed environment, you must REACT. What does the "C" in REACT represent?


In a deployed environment, you must REACT. What does the "R" in REACT represent?


What form of information collection strengthens strategic and tactical positions by knowing what an adversary is doing or plans to do?


When Airmen implement effective counterintelligence measures, what are the benefits? Select ALL that apply.

all of the above

What manipulation technique is used when an FIE operative develops a sexual relationship with an insider to draw in the target?

honey pot

Which situations should be reported? Select ALL that apply.

Contact with foreign diplomatic offices for other than official duties
Unauthorized attempts to bypass automated information system security devices

True or False: Three anonymous methods to report tips to AFOSI 24/7 are via text message, web, or mobile app.


Force Protection Questions and Answers — I Hate CBT's (2024)


What are the 5 levels of force protection? ›

The five FPCON levels are:
  • FPCON NORMAL. Applies when a general global threat of possible terrorist activity exists and warrants a routine security posture. ...
  • FPCON ALPHA. ...
  • FPCON BRAVO. ...
Apr 27, 2023

What is the most increased force protection level? ›

FPCON Delta, the highest and most protective level, limits installation access to mission-essential personnel and other personnel as determined by the commander.

What are the 5 goals of anti terrorism force protection? ›

5 Key Goals Antiterrorism Force Protection

The 5 key goals of antiterrorism force protection are to deter, detect, deny, delay, and defend against terrorist threats and attacks.

What is the condition Charlie in the military? ›

According to the U.S. Army, Charlie is the second highest state of alert that "applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely."

What are the three pillars of force protection? ›

Force Protection (FP) is a program that is comprised of three pillars: Antiterrorism (AT), physical security, and law enforcement.

Is America on high alert? ›

The United States Homeland Security Advisory System Threat Level is currently at yellow ("elevated"), indicating a "significant risk of terrorist attacks".

What does "bravo" mean in the military? ›

The minimum FPCON for U.S. Army commands is normal. Alpha: Occurs when there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of the threat are unpredictable. Bravo: Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists.

What is Charlie level in the military? ›

Force protection Charlie is the second-highest level for service members and is instituted “when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating that some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.”

What are the elements of force protection? ›

Force Protection elements are charged with security planning and leading patrols en-route, including navigation and tactical considerations. However, in practice, a vast spectrum of experience exists in these forces, ranging from effective professional militaries to very ineffective ones.

What are the 4 P's of terrorism? ›

Prevent is one of the four elements of the Government's Counter-Terrorism Strategy, Contest. There are 4 elements of this strategy: Prepare, Protect, Pursue and Prevent.

What does C in React mean? ›

The 'C' in REACT in a military or deployed environment typically stands for 'Confirm,' which means to verify the information about the threat or incident that has occurred.

How do terrorists select their targets in CBT? ›

How Terrorists Select their Targets: Consider ways you might become a victim of a terrorist attack. Factors to keep in mind include: Location: Terrorists may target locations frequented by Americans or US military personnel such as certain hotels, apartment buildings, public transportation centers, and nightclubs.

What is Charlie slang for military? ›

Collectively the United States often called them the Viet Cong. It was commonly shortened to VC, which in military alphabet code was spoken as Victor Charlie. It was further shortened to just Charlie. American soldiers called them Charlie, they called themselves liberators.

What does Lima Charlie mean in the military? ›

“Lima Charlie” is representative of the letters “L” and “C” in the NATO alphabet, which when used together in military parlance stands for “Loud and Clear”.

What are the military code words? ›

The 26 code words are as follows (ICAO spellings): Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

What are the 5 levels of force continuum? ›

Use of Force Continuum
  • Officer presence represents the first level, where no force is used. ...
  • Verbalization represents the second level, where force is non-physical. ...
  • Empty-hand control is the third level. ...
  • Less lethal methods make up the fourth level. ...
  • Lethal force is the final level.

What is level 5 of force? ›

The five categories include Level One or Verbal, Level Two or Weaponless, Level Three or Less Lethal Weaponry, Level Four or Lethal Force (Defensive), and Level Five or Lethal Force (Offensive). The officer's response should begin at Level One, where he employs verbal crisis intervention techniques.

What are the 5 forces of the army? ›

The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard are the armed forces of the United States. The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard are reserve components of their services and operate in part under state authority.

What are the levels of force used by police? ›

Law enforcement officers should use only the amount of force necessary to mitigate an incident, make an arrest, or protect themselves or others from harm. The levels, or continuum, of force police use include basic verbal and physical restraint, less-lethal force, and lethal force.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.