How hard is Scalecaller Peak? (2024)

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I want to get Zaan's helmet, but I am only cp358 and putting out about 19k in damage. I can hold my own in vet dungeons with a group that moves well together. I can solo normal dungeons, but wanted to know about this one?

Should I attempt it, or is there a recommended level or skill level to try this and be successful?

Xbox NA


Valthyr Alynwen High Elf MagSorc EP
Valeon Indoril Dark Elf MagDK EP
Willard Lorrthane Breton MagDen EP
Faelian Elilanar High Elf MagPlar EP
Dro'Kassa Khajiit MagCro EP
Im-Tanky-Enough Argonian Tank EP
Lorgdan Bladesmith Orc StamBlade DC
Cyrus Hayle Redguard StamSorc EP
Xuxtheem-Light-Bearer Argonian Healer AD
Galen Morthain Dark Elf MagBlade EP
Burgesh the Mighty Orc StamDen DC
Mekar the Vile Orc StamCro DC

"Fimmion hungry. Want sweetroll. Fimmion like pants. Love sweetroll."


  • Yakidafi


    You can do it with 19k np, as long as 1 guy in the group knows what is up and can explain what to do not many groups fail there.

    Edited by Yakidafi on June 21, 2018 7:43PM

    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA




  • WrathOfInnos


    It’s one of the easiest DLC dungeons (unless you do hard mode, but not needed for Zaan helmet). I would say it’s roughly equivalent to White Gold Tower. As long as you go in with a group that can do mechanics you’ll be fine at 19k DPS.




  • Kingslayer513


    Scalecaller Peak is more about mechanics than dps. Once you learn them, it's kinda a breeze. I think you'll be fine if you run with a decent group, especially a knowledgeable tank. Although at your cp level it'll be pretty iffy to PUG.




  • BozzyTheDrummer


    Thank you for your responses. I think I may get more CP under my belt and learn the mechanics before attempting it. I just want to avoid being that one guy in the group that is falling behind and eventually getting kicked lol

    Xbox NA


    Valthyr Alynwen High Elf MagSorc EP
    Valeon Indoril Dark Elf MagDK EP
    Willard Lorrthane Breton MagDen EP
    Faelian Elilanar High Elf MagPlar EP
    Dro'Kassa Khajiit MagCro EP
    Im-Tanky-Enough Argonian Tank EP
    Lorgdan Bladesmith Orc StamBlade DC
    Cyrus Hayle Redguard StamSorc EP
    Xuxtheem-Light-Bearer Argonian Healer AD
    Galen Morthain Dark Elf MagBlade EP
    Burgesh the Mighty Orc StamDen DC
    Mekar the Vile Orc StamCro DC

    "Fimmion hungry. Want sweetroll. Fimmion like pants. Love sweetroll."



  • testd4n1


    Message me on xbox. My username is my gamertag. It is easy enough that my guild completed it on Vet the day it came out without ever having done it on normal, but challenging enough that no one ever wants to do it again lol. I'll try to see if we can get a group together.

    PS - With the new motifs coming out, people will be running it all the time. We are already planning on it.




  • greenmachine


    BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »

    Thank you for your responses. I think I may get more CP under my belt and learn the mechanics before attempting it. I just want to avoid being that one guy in the group that is falling behind and eventually getting kicked lol

    Get in there and learn it. You can beat it. I'd suggest, instead of a PUG, get a group together where everybody can commit to learning it together knowing there will be wipes at first. There is some rng on the last boss and the aoe cone from the dragons seems like it is bigger than it looks (run out, not roll dodge), beyond that it's not too bad. Good luck.

    greenmachine513 PS4-NA
    GM of Aldmeri People's Front

    Ionien - Altmer Mag Sorc Stormproof | Dr Jonny Fever - Breton Healplar | Bernie Dresden - Dunmer MagDK | Crushasaurus Rex - Argonian Stam DK
    Ser Greywulf - Nord DK Tank | Meow Kapwn - Khajit Magblade | Twink Versatile - Bosmer Stamblade | Loke-Tarr - Orc Stamden | Juicy Thunderthighs - Redguard Stamsorc | Frizz Grizzberg - Magden | Hax Killstealer - Dunmer Mag Sorc






  • Oreyn_Bearclaw


    Scalecaller HM is perhaps the toughest four man fight in the game. As you dont need HM for a Zaan helmet, that might not be all that relevant. If you take HM out of the equations, I would say its a very middle of the road DLC from a DPS perspective in terms of difficulty. 19K DPS wont make it a breeze, but it is certainly doable at that level.

    The last few rounds of DLC dungeons have been a noticeable jump in difficulty from a tanks perspective, which practically speaking, can make it very rough for a lot of casual groups. If you have a good tank and can follow some straightforward yet punishing mechanics, it really isnt that bad. I woulds say that the final boss even on regular vet, is a bit tougher than some of the other DLCs until you get the hang of it.

    Definitely doable, but unless the other three in your group are very experienced, dont expect to clear it the first time in 30 minutes.




  • MarleyRain


    I just completed it the day before yesterday with a group from zone who were determined to get through, we were all good players and everything was smooth until the last boss. Probably spent a good couple hours in there only because of the poison cones. Once we decided to all stand between the first 2 cones behind the tank, it was better. Stay close to the statues, the cone is easier to dodge. How hard is Scalecaller Peak? (10)



  • Strider__Roshin


    It's not too bad. Hard mode can be a pain though.



  • Waffennacht


    It's mechanics based.

    Know the mechanics, it's actually easy (if the group knows)

    If the group doesn't know... Ugh...

    I've taught a few PuGs through it.

    An actual group/guild would make it much easier than PuG

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds



  • jaws343


    All mechanics. But the tank really needs to know the mechanics. If the tank has no clue what they are doing or when to block or when to follow a mechanic, it will be impossible to very hard to complete.



  • notyuu


    scale caller normal: cheeseball easy
    scale caller vet: challenging, but a decent team can stomp it
    scal caller HM: you will never beat this for those that are capable of doing so have already done so and wish to never experiance this hell again, dooming you to forever be unable to aquire the skin

    so....pretty sure you can crack it on vet easily enough




  • Cryptical


    BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »

    I want to get Zaan's helmet, but I am only cp358 and putting out about 19k in damage. I can hold my own in vet dungeons with a group that moves well together. I can solo normal dungeons, but wanted to know about this one?

    Should I attempt it, or is there a recommended level or skill level to try this and be successful?

    I farmed it with pugs. Pugs of your level.

    Learn the mechanics. You will not be successful if you don't learn them. You could have 50k dps and be worthless if you don't follow the mechanics and end up taking a dirt nap.

    While the priorities might be flexible depending on how capable the group is at running their character, there's a basic list that should see a minimally capable group through to a successful completion. Off the top of my head....

    For dps, your priorities at first boss pair of ogres are to rez, interrupt the skeever summoning, kill skeevers, follow the ice freeze and ice pillar phases, dps the bosses so they die evenly.
    Second boss gargoyle, dig out the stoned person, kill the orbs, kill the adds, dps the boss
    Third boss female giant, kill the nereid adds, rez, check for more nereid adds, dps the giant.
    Forth boss plague concocter, rez, kill the adds that your npc helper asks for, build up ultimate for the cure phase, ulti dump dps the boss.
    Fifth boss Zaan... Several mechanics, each has their own set series of responses that get slotted higher than simply dps on the boss.

    Edited by Cryptical on June 21, 2018 8:56PM

    Xbox NA




  • Olupajmibanan


    notyuu wrote: »

    scale caller normal: cheeseball easy
    scale caller vet: challenging, but a decent team can stomp it
    scal caller HM: you will never beat this for those that are capable of doing so have already done so and wish to never experiance this hell again, dooming you to forever be unable to aquire the skin

    so....pretty sure you can crack it on vet easily enough

    I wanted the skin to hide vampirism so bad that I did HM. It was tough but I plan to eventually do it again to drop the motifs. I am pretty sure that motifs drop will follow the same pattern as usual: HM - guaranteed motifs for everyone, regular vet - slight chance of getting the motif by one person independantly of others

    Edited by Olupajmibanan on June 22, 2018 9:32AM



  • profundidob16_ESO


    Everything people above said and I will add this:

    Although Normal mode is made to learn the mechanics it also turns the unforgiving 1-shot mechanics from the veteran version into survivable (read: neglectable) collateral dmge that can be outhealed in order to give random pugs a chance to 'skip' mechanics and complete the dungeon without the need for skill. But as a result you don't truly learn the mechanics that will still wipe the group in vet. Therefore I agree that it's better to go vet straight away in order to activate 'true learning' mode.

    The trick as posted above is finding 3 other people that just like you are willing and accepting to wipe nonstop in order to truly learn the mechanics until you get them. Just bring 1 guy who really knows the mechanics well already so he can explain. If you have to search all the mechanics yourself like i had to in beta on pts your team might get stuck and discouraged

    This dungeon is all about the mechanics and finally something that cannot be simply overhealed or outdpssed. You will love the mechanics and this dungeon in VET once you understand them truly so don't delay and start learning




  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO


    Just like any other DLC veteran dungeons, it's mostly about the mechanics. If the group is not OP, it will take some time to get through it and maybe you will wipe several times. Make sure the group has, overall, good sustainability. This is very tru for the 10M poison boss, since it will take some time to take him down and a moment to wipe.

    Edit: the most important thing in SCP is being on mic. It's very important to call for help when you get petrified at the orbs or to remind people to run to the shield when fighting Zaan.

    Edited by jaschacasadiob16_ESO on June 22, 2018 10:13AM

    "Yesterday while searching a barrel in vVoM I found a lemon. Best drop of the whole run."

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  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam


    As others have said it's okay with decent players, reliant on a good tank.

    I've plugged it a few times on my tank (I'm able to tank without healer), so having knowledgeable tank is really useful. Is annoying when bad players always die to the poison at end, learn to move accordingly and stand near statues.

    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red



  • WaltherCarraway


    the first boss is the group check just like overfiend in ICP back in days

    Edited by WaltherCarraway on June 22, 2018 12:04PM

    Back from my last hiatus. 2021 a new start.




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How hard is Scalecaller Peak? (2024)


How hard is veteran scalecaller peak? ›

Scalecaller Peak was one of the first few DLC dungeons added to The Elder Scrolls Online, but it's still one of the toughest. The first four boss fights require a high degree of group coordination, making them tough for random groups to complete on Veteran difficulty.

How to beat scalecaller peak? ›

The trick to this is to keep aoe down where the boss is and stay CLOSE to the boss together. That way when the gets close to the group it takes passive damage at the same time as the boss. BUT as well as aoe damage the group should now FOCUS all single target damage on the ball to kill it.

How to get scalecaller peak challenger achievement? ›

Complete the listed achievements for Veteran Scalecaller Peak. Scalecaller Peak Challenger is awarded for completing the four listed achievements in Veteran Scalecaller Peak. It is also possible to complete all four of them in a single run, which will also grant you the Mountain God achievement.

What is the first boss in the scalecaller peak? ›

First Boss – Orzun the Foul-Smelling & Rinaerus the Rancid (Ogre) Orzun the Foul-Smelling & Rinaerus the Rancid are the first boss to encounter in the Scalecaller Peak Dungeon. Make sure to not stack both bosses, you will get an insane amount of damage otherwise.

Why is veteran mode so hard? ›

The most prominent feature of Veteran is enemies dealing substantially more damage, as well as having more health, higher accuracy and decreased reaction time. In many situations, the player will also get less assistance in the mission, such as timed objectives having less time available.

How to get blackmarrow necromancer skin? ›

Feel the uncanny power of Necromancy radiate from your very flesh with the eerie Blackmarrow Skin! It's as creepy as undeath itself, and a great conversation starter down at the tavern. The Blackmarrow Necromancer skin is awarded for completing the "Scalecaller Peak Challenger" Achievement.

How to get necromancer skin in ESO? ›

To successfully obtain the Blackmarrow Necromancer Skin, you must complete the Scalecaller Peak Challenger Achievement, in the Scalecaller Peak Dungeon. Part of the Dragon Bones DLC.

Where is scalecaller peak in ESO? ›

Scalecaller Peak is a 4-player group dungeon located in Stormhaven in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is part of the Dragon Bones DLC. It features Normal and Veteran Modes. Players can use the Group & Activity Finder tool to easily find groups to tackle this dungeon with.

Who is the first boss you fight in Sekiro? ›

Gyoubu Oniwa

The first boss in Sekiro is a perfect place to hone your Deflection skills and deal heavy Posture damage. Despite Gyoubu Oniwa being highly mobile and aggressive, you can still deflect their attacks with a little bit of skill, timing, and patience.

Who is the first boss in ds1? ›

For other uses, see Demon (disambiguation). The Asylum Demon (不死院のデーモン) is a boss in Dark Souls, located in the Northern Undead Asylum. It is the first boss in the game to be encountered by the player.

What level should you be for veteran dungeons eso? ›

Notably, DLC dungeons on normal difficulty require level of 45, base game dungeons on veteran difficulty require level 50, and DLC dungeons on veteran difficulty require you to have earned 300 Champion Points.

What level is veteran in Call of Duty? ›

Veteran is one of the most challenging difficulty that are in the Call of Duty series. The player will find they will take much more damage and have very low health, with enemies having increased accuracy and deadly reaction time.

What is the max veteran rank in eso? ›

A Veteran was someone who had reached Level 50 and continued advancing their character. The Veteran Level cap was 16 and was the highest achievable level in the game. The level cap was originally Veteran Rank 10, but with Update 1 it increased to 12, and with Update 4, to Veteran Rank 14.

Is frostvault hard? ›

In the Frostvault dungeon you will encounter a total of five bosses and a few trashpacks. The first two bosses are fairly easy, but after that it gets more complicated. The last boss also has a hardmode which is a beast of its own, it is currently one of the more difficult hardmodes in dungeons.

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